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The present general conditions of use are binding on each purchaser of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.

The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass is managed by Otipass whose registered office is at 80 rue du château 26740 Montboucher sur Jabron SIRET 528 626 492 00011 (VAT number FR07528626492) in association with Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme located at 186 bd Clemenceau 76600 Le Havre.

The general terms and conditions of use are available at all times on the lehavre-eterat-tourisme.com website.

Article 1 - Description

  1. The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass is designed to make it easier for tourists to discover the destination's tourist sites. It takes the form of a prepaid, numbered, dematerialised pass with a unique QRCode.
  2. The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass offers a single right of free access to a range of tourist sites listed on the mobile application and also available for consultation on lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com website, subject to the conditions defined herein.

    Article 2 - Purpose

    1. The purpose of these general conditions of use is to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the use of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.
    2. Prior to any order, the customer undertakes to read these general conditions of use for the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass and to accept them unreservedly.
    3. Some of the visits or activities on offer may also include conditions specific to the organiser or partner site concerned, in which case these will be clearly brought to the customer's attention. Consequently, these conditions only concern the conditions of use of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass and not the specific conditions of the visit services themselves.
    4. Opening times depend on the sites themselves and each site is free to organise its own access.
    5.These general terms and conditions of use supplement the general terms and conditions of sale of the selling partner. The customer's order is governed by the selling partner's general terms and conditions of sale in force on the day the order is placed. Consequently, placing an order implies the customer's full and unreserved acceptance of the selling partner's general terms and conditions of sale and the general terms and conditions of use of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.

    Article 3 - Scope and duration of application

    These general conditions of use apply from the date of acceptance until the expiry date of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.

    Article 4 - Enforceability of the general conditions of use

1. The version of the general conditions of use enforceable against the customer is the one accepted by the customer at the time of the order.

2. The various versions of the general terms and conditions of use are archived by OTIPASS as follows: archiving by date in paper, PDF and Word formats.

3. The customer may access the archived general terms and conditions of use by making a request by e-mail to the following address: contact@lehave-etretat-tourisme.com

4. The version of the general terms and conditions of use online at lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com takes precedence over any printed version of an earlier date for all new card purchases.

5. OTIPASS will inform the customer and the sales partner as soon as possible of any updates following changes to the general conditions of use.

6. The present conditions of sale are offered in French.

Article 5 - Ordering

  1. The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass can only be ordered from a sales outlet contractually authorised by Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme to sell it, hereafter referred to as the "Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass sales outlet". A list of these sales outlets is available on lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com website.
  2. The information and personal data relating to the holder of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass are necessary for the proper processing of the order by the seller. Failing this, the order may not be completed.
  3. Placing an order implies the customer's full and unreserved acceptance of the vendor's general terms and conditions of sale and the general terms and conditions of use of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.
  4. Payment of the order implies acceptance of the general conditions of use and validation of the order.

Article 6 - Prices

  1. The Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass is offered at a fixed price depending on its period of validity and the age of the holder, by all the Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass sales outlets.
  2. The price includes free admission and public transport (bus, tram and funicular of the LIA network) for 1 adult or 1 child under 12 years of age, among the partner sites and under the conditions described on the information media.
  3. The Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass may not be resold at a price higher than that defined by Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme and specified on the communication media.
  4. All orders, regardless of their origin, are payable in euros. The methods of payment accepted are those of the Pass Tourisme Le Havre Etretat sales outlet.
  5. Le Havre Etretat Tourism Passes remain the property of Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme until full and final payment has been received by the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass sales outlet.
  6. Purchases can be made directly online at lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com or at the Points of Sale.

Article 7 - Conditions of access to partner sites

  1. Prior to each visit, the holder must present the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass to validate access to the partner site concerned.
  2. The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass may only be presented once by the holder at each partner site or activity.
  3. The partner site is entitled to ask the holder of the Le Havre Etretat Children's Tourist Pass for photo ID to prove their age.
  4. The full list of partner sites can also be consulted on the information material made available to the customer.
  5. The Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass does not constitute a ticket to cut through the queue.
  6. The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass does not include availability or access to any events offered by the sites.

Article 8 - Terms and conditions of use

  1. At the time of purchase, the Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass sales outlet or online shop collects the data required to allocate the pass to a holder and activate the Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass.
  2. Once activated, the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass can be validated at the first partner site and on public transport in the LIA network.
  3. From the first time it is validated at a partner site, the Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass is valid for a period of 24 consecutive hours for the Le Havre Etretat 24-hour Tourist Pass, 48 consecutive hours for the Le Havre Etretat 48-hour Tourist Pass and 72 consecutive hours for the Le Havre Etretat 72-hour Tourist Pass, depending on the option chosen.
  4. An activated Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass may be validated for the first time at a partner site no later than one year after the date of purchase.
  5. The Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass is valid for one year from the date of purchase. If, for any reason beyond the customer's control, the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass has not been used within this one-year period, OTIPASS or Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme undertakes to refund the price of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass upon presentation. However, this refund cannot be made after the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass has been activated.
  6. If all or part of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass is not used by the deadlines described above, no fee of any kind whatsoever may be claimed by way of reimbursement or compensation.
  7. The opening hours of each partner site are the responsibility of the site itself and are indicated on lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com.

Article 9 - Information media

  1. In the event of non-compliance with its contractual obligations or in the event of force majeure, Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme reserves the right to terminate its partnership with a partner site and to withdraw the visit services concerned from the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass offer, without the holder being able to prejudice any claim for compensation for any damage suffered or to claim any reimbursement or compensation whatsoever, to withdraw the visit services concerned from the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass offer.
  2. The opening days and times of the partner sites may be subject to change during the operation.
  3. The partner site undertakes to inform Le Havre Etretat Tourisme without delay of any change relating to the provision of information to Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass holders: reception conditions, opening days and times, exceptional or definitive closure.
  4. In the event of modification, Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme undertakes to update the information brought to its attention relating to partner sites on lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com website.
  5. Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme and OTIPASS cannot be held responsible for any changes inherent in the reception conditions of a partner site and preventing the smooth running or execution of the tour services offered as part of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.
  6. Prior to any visit, it is recommended that the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass holder contact the partner site directly to find out the days and opening times of the site and the closing time of the ticket offices.

Article 10 - Malfunction, loss or theft of Le Havre Etretat City Pass - Guarantee

  1. In the event of a technical malfunction preventing the validation of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass when accessing a partner site, the holder is invited to go as soon as possible to one of the points of sale of their choice, it being understood that the data on the faulty Pass (expiry date and remaining time(s) of use) will be transferred to the new Pass. All the rights acquired on the previous Pass will be transferred to the new Pass for the benefit of the customer. The customer will therefore not suffer any prejudice.
  2. In the event of loss or theft, the holder of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass is considered to be solely responsible. Consequently, the holder will not be entitled to any exchange, replacement or compensation of any kind.
  3. The customer benefits from the legal guarantees:
    • Legal warranties of conformity (article L. 211-4 et seq. of the French Consumer Code)
    • Guarantees against hidden defects (article 1641 of the French Civil Code)
    • Biennial warranties (article 1792-3 of the French Civil Code)

on the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass and the right to use it as explained above.

Article 11 - Personal data

  1. Information and personal data relating to the holder of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass are necessary for the proper processing of the order by the seller and are useful in the event of malfunction, loss or theft of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass. Failing this, the order will not be processed.
  2. Information and data are kept by Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme and the seller of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass for security purposes, in compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.
  3. The data may be used by Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme for statistical purposes in connection with the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass.
  4. Holders of the Le Havre Etretat Tourism Pass may write to Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme - 186 bd Clemenceau - 76600 Le Havre to exercise their rights of access and rectification with regard to information concerning them and which is subject to processing, under the conditions provided for by the RGPD of May 2018.

Article 12 - Absence of the right of withdrawal

In accordance with article L 121-20-4 of the French Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal instituted by article L.121-20 of the same code does not apply to contracts concluded for, in particular, leisure activities that may be provided on a specific date or according to a specific frequency.

Article 13 - Customer service

For any information, the Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass holder is invited to contact the OTIPASS Welcome and Information Department: By telephone on +33 (0)4 90 80 47 00 from Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 12:00 and between 14:00 and 17:00 (cost of a local call) or by e-mail: contact@lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com

All complaints must be sent in writing no later than one week after the expiry date of the Le Havre Etretat Tourist Pass; by post to the following address Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme - 186 bd Clemenceau - 76600 Le Havre; or by e-mail to the following address: contact@lehavre-etretat-tourisme.com

Le Havre Etretat Normandie Tourisme undertakes to reply to the customer within a maximum of one month from receipt of the letter.

Article 14 - Applicable law - Disputes

These terms and conditions are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute concerning one or other of the conditions of the contract, a conventional mediation procedure or any other alternative dispute resolution procedure may be initiated at the request of one or other of the parties.

Failing this, the courts within the jurisdiction of the registered office of Le Havre Etretat Normandie will have jurisdiction.

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