[FERMÉ] Maison-Musée de l'Armateur

A rare snapshot of life in Le Havre in the 18th century


3 quai de l'Ile
76600 LE HAVRE

02 35 19 09 85

Lots of shipowners have lived in this mansion. The most famous is Martin Pierre Fouche (1728-1816). Archives and portraits of this family. The rooms are laid out around a central light-well. The house is very original.

[FERMÉ] Maison-Musée de l'Armateur

Lots of shipowners have lived in this mansion. The most famous is Martin Pierre Fouche (1728-1816). Archives and portraits of this family. The rooms are laid out around a central light-well. The house is very original.

Horaires d'ouverture
[Fermé en 2025]

Thematic of the place

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Public price
Adulte : €7.00
Enfant : Free
Price with the pass
Adulte : Free
Enfant : Free

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